Salesforce Exams - Try Try again

How to study:

I've seen a lot of posts on reddit, twitter, and other mediums on how to study for Salesforce exams. People have found resources like blogs, mock exams, and other things to study. But there is one, that many people overlook! Just take the exam, the retake fee is cheaper than wasting time and money on unofficial sources.

As someone who has taken 7 exams, including Admin, Developer, and Architect exams, here's my advice. First use the study guide from to understand the topics and the relative coverage of topics in the exam. If you break down the number of questions in the exam by the percentage covered, you have an idea of how many questions on each topic there will be. Focus on the big ones, the ones and two question sections just brush over them but don't get too hung up on them. Also head over to, the articles on taking architect exams has been spot on!

Next, head over to trailhead and see if there's a trailmix on the exam you are taking. Changes are you'll luck out and just follow the guided training there. Make sure to understand the concepts covered and line them up with what's in the study guide. Also search Trailhead to see if there are any projects or quick starts to help boost your knowledge. And don't forget to just poke around your dev org to play around. Half of the wrong answers are incorrect terminology or valid terminology that is not applicable to the question.

Now register and take the exam.

Day before exam:

Drink plenty of water and have some carbs (this helps boost your memory).

The Day of the Exam:

Nervous? Don't be. Before heading out, make sure to bring a pen and notebook or notepad. You cannot take them into the exam with you but there's a method to my madness. Either leave it in your car or put it in a small bag and take it with you. The test center will have a place for you to store your things.
Make sure you have a clear head. If you are groggy or have a headache drink water and take ibuprofen or Sudafed (the real stuff). Sudafed will relieve any congestion but it also helps you focus (kind of a nice side effect).

After the exam:

Passed the exam? Congrats!
No? Don't fret, break out the notepad and pen and jot down anything you felt stumped on. Pour your brain out, even on topics you felt you aced. You will receive an email from Salesforce showing how you scored on each topic. Chances are, where you felt stumped is where you didn't get more than the passing mark.

Retaking the exam:

Study again and get comfortable. It's not easy and you might be a little frustrated, but just get back into it and study on where you weren't strong. Then retake the exam, don't wait more than 2 weeks, it will just become more difficult.

What about all those other tools like mock exams and flashcards?

The truth is that most of that stuff is incorrect or outdated. Why spend hundreds of dollars on that stuff when you can take the real exam. If you fail, the retake fee is only $100-200 depending on the exam. Get your employer to at least pay for the first try. If you fail, you're only out a hundred bucks or so but at least you took the real thing and didn't waste time and money prepping incorrectly.


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